Fees and Fines

Victorian courts and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) charge a range of:

  • fees for services and regulatory purposes, including licensing and registering certain activities 
  • fines for improper conduct, and to discourage unlawful behaviour.

Fees and fines are officially set and revised by legislation.

The Victorian Government has a policy of automatically indexing certain fees and fines each year for inflation, so that the value of those fees and fines is maintained.

The automatically indexed fees and fines for Victorian courts and tribunals are available on each jurisdiction's website. Please use the links below to access the information:


Important disclaimer: Although Court Services Victoria has sought to make thisinformation as accurate and complete as possible, updates and revisions may be necessary. The material provided is intended for use as a general reference only. It is made available on the understanding that while Court Services Victoria endeavours to maintain complete, accurate, and up-to-date information users are aware that:

  • Court Services Victoria does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided and will not accept responsibility for reliance upon it
  • users should exercise their own care and skill when using the material
  • by providing this general information Court Services Victoria is not providing advice
  • users should take appropriate professional advice before relying upon the information.

Court Services Victoria does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided and will accept no responsibility for reliance upon it nor responsibility for any errors or omissions in the material provided.

This page was last updated: Tuesday 27 July 2021 - 5:58pm