Courts Council
The Court Services Victoria Act 2014 establishes a governance model, directed by the judiciary, which gives CSV both independence and a clear focus on supporting the functions of the judiciary.
The Courts Council is CSV's governing body and comprises the Heads of Jurisdiction and independent members appointed by the Council. The Council is responsible for directing the strategy, governance and risk management of CSV. It is the principal administrative policy making body for CSV with respect to the administrative support provided to the Jurisdictions.
The members of the Courts Council are:
The Honourable Chief Justice Anne Ferguson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (Chair)
The Honourable Chief Judge Peter Kidd, Chief Judge of the County Court
The Honourable Justice Edward (Ted) Woodward, President of VCAT
The Honourable Justice Lisa Hannan, Chief Magistrate
His Honour Judge Jack Vandersteen, President of the Children's Court
His Honour Judge John Cain, State Coroner
Dr Philip Williams, Non-Judicial Member
Ms Sue Friend, Non-Judicial Member
Courts Council Committees
To ensure full and effective governance arrangements, Courts Council is supported by a number of standing and ad hoc (time-limited) committees. This structure supports and recognises the importance of good governance, whilst ensuring that key functional areas are monitored and directed with sufficient detail and oversight.
Council's committees include a mix of Council members, Judicial Officers, independent members with requisite expertise, CEOs and other senior executives.
The Directors of CSV's Operational Division play a key role in supporting and advising the committees, however the key objective of the committees is to assist Council by ensuring a focus on key organisational strategic matters.
Council's committees consist of:
- Finance Committee
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Health, Safety and Culture Committee
- Strategic and Innovative Projects Committee
- Courts Koori Committee
- Executive Remuneration Committee
- Courts Executive
Committees are tasked with the responsibility to monitor and guide the development of key strategic priorities where Council is required to approve a strategy, policy or a course of action, and report to Council on all matters of strategic importance.
This page was last updated: Monday 3 July 2023 - 9:56am