Victorian Budget Outcomes for CSV

Funding has been allocated in the Victorian Budget 16/17 to support several initiatives running across courts and VCAT.
Court safety and security
$58.1 million has been allocated in the budget to deliver court safety and security improvements for those who attend and work at Victorian courts and tribunals.
This will include 16 priority court upgrades, involving works such as the provision of separate waiting areas for family violence applicants and respondents, improvements to registry counters and secure screening, additional interview rooms and entrance modifications.
The court security officer model will also be expanded to increase court security officer presence to 40 courts which currently have no formal security support. Security upgrades will also see x-ray machines installed at the entry of four suburban and eight regional court locations.
Expansion of the Drug Court
The establishment of a $32 million Melbourne Drug Court will complement the existing Drug Court at Dandenong, and provide capacity for an additional 170 drug offenders to receive targeted support to address their drug use. The funding includes increased support for agencies such as Victoria Police, the Health Department, and clinical and legal service providers.
Coroners Court of Victoria
The Coroners Court will receive $9.8 million over three years to operate the removal and transport of deceased persons service effectively throughout Victoria.
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
The budget has allocated $4 million over four years to VCAT to allow for the further modernisation of service delivery. VCAT will introduce a range of customer service enhancements including improved online access.
Planning for Integrated court case management systems
Funding of $1 million has been allocated to commence planning for the development of new integrated contemporary case management systems in the Children's, Magistrates' and County
Further information about the Victorian Budget 16/17 is available of the Budget website.
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This page was last updated: Tuesday 8 November 2016 - 8:19am