Sexual Harassment Review recommendations and progress

The Review of Sexual Harassment in Victorian Courts made 20 recommendations to help prevent sexual harassment, improve reporting and support, and increase awareness and accountability.

In response to the Review's recommendations, Court Services Victoria, the Heads of Jurisdiction, Judicial College and Judicial Commission committed to implementing 16 recommendations.

Recommendation 20 required an independent audit of the implementation of the Review recommendations and their effectiveness. 

Phase one of the audit found that implementation of 16 of the 20 recommendations were met and the remaining four were partially met.

The following table provides an overview of the audit findings:

Recommendation Responsibility Implementation status Enhancement opportunities

Strong & effective leadership driving successful, long term reform

R1 Champion a healthy positive workplace culture

CSV Met Identified

A positive workplace culture

R2 Sexual Harassment Policy

CSV Met Identified

R3 Risk Assessment sexual harassment

CSV Met Identified

R4 Review of recruitment of staff working with Judicial Officers

CSV Met Nil

R5 Appointment of Judicial Officers

Attorney General Partially met Identified

R6 Appointment of Senior Counsel

Chief Justice Met Nil

Diversity and gender equity


R7 Judicial College Membership

Attorney General Met Nil

R8 Equality bench book

Judicial College Met Nil

Victim-centred support, reporting and response

R9 Victim-survivor centred response

CSV Met Nil

R10 Changes to Judicial Commission Act

Judicial Commission Met Nil

Organisational capability and knowledge

R11 Awareness Raising Campaign

CSV Met Nil

R12 Targeted training

CSV Met Nil

R13 Education program - judicial officers and VCAT members

Judicial College
Heads of Jurisdiction
Partially met Identified

R14 Specific expertise to Human Resources Committee

CSV Met Nil

Ensuring integrity and accountability

R15 Amend EO Act and OHS Act

Attorney General Partially met Nil

R16 Review EO Act to enhance systemic powers

Attorney General Met Nil

R17 Supplementary Guideline for judicial officers and VCAT members

Judicial Commission Met Nil

Effective monitoring and evaluation

R18 Annual survey




R19 Build metrics into performance management




R20 Independent Audit


Partially met



For the complete audit report by Ashurst Risk Advisory, see: Independent audit report - Phase One.

This page was last updated: Thursday 29 August 2024 - 7:29am