Courts Open Day 2015
Courts and tribunals in Melbourne will throw open their doors for a series of events, tours, exhibitions and mock trials for Courts Open Day on Saturday 16 May 2015, from 10am to 3pm.
The Supreme Court, County Court, Magistrates' Court and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) will all hold special events in the Melbourne CBD's legal precinct on the corner of William and Lonsdale Streets.
On Courts Open Day, judges and magistrates will be available to talk to people and answer questions about legal proceedings in a relaxed and informal setting. All events are free and designed to give members of the public, including students, an insight into the workings of the justice system.
Highlight events on the day include:
- "I Object, Your Honour!" A Judge's Guide to a real Supreme Court trial - find out what happens in a real Supreme Court trial when a judge shares their experiences and insights. This session will offer a fascinating glimpse into the complexities of a trial and the many people who take part in the trial process.
- Meet the Judges Q&A - Take this rare opportunity to join three Supreme Court judges for an interactive Q&A about the broad work of the Court and life on and off the Bench.
- Day in the Life of an Accused - A behind the scenes tour where participants will experience what it is like to be an accused person arriving at the County Court in custody, being placed in a holding cell, and meeting your lawyer before entering a plea of guilty before a judge.
- Wigs and Gowns Display - Ever wondered why judges wear robes and wigs in court? Come along to the County Court Wigs and Gowns Display to learn the history of the jabot, bar jacket, bench wig and other fascinating items that comprise judicial attire at the Court.
- All Stand - An interactive mock hearing at the Magistrates' Court involving an accused who is charged with family violence and drug related offences. Facilitated by a magistrate, the hearing will also explore the legal consequences of this type of offending.
- Taking it to VCAT - tips on how to prepare for a hearing, what to bring and how to present your case. This event is held at William Cooper Justice Centre.
Other activities held throughout the day include tours of the Supreme, County and Magistrates' Courts; information sessions on careers as a court registrar, the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) and road trauma support services at the Magistrates' Court; a musical performance by the Winded! trio and a fundraising BBQ at the County Court; and a presentation to demystify jury service by the Juries Commissioner at the Supreme Court.
Open Day is a highlight event in the Law Week calendar, from 11 to 17 May. For the full program, and for bookings, visit http://www.everyday-law.org.au/events/courts-open-day.
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This page was last updated: Friday 8 May 2015 - 9:44am