First Planning Forum for 2015
Pictured above: Participants at the forum included the Courts Council, the CSV CEO, Deputy CEO and directors, and the CEO of each court, VCAT and the Judicial College of Victoria
10 February 2015
The Court Services Victoria Courts Council met yesterday for the year's first planning forum, focusing on financial strategy. This was an important first step in CSV's overall strategic planning activities.
As a new and independent entity, strategic planning is critical for setting, communicating and implementing the vision and organisational direction for Court Services Victoria.
The seven member Council, chaired by Chief Justice Marilyn Warren, was joined at the forum by the CSV CEO, Deputy CEO and directors, and the CEO of each court, VCAT and the Judicial College of Victoria.
The forum was informed by insightful presentations from Mr David Martine, Secretary, Department of Treasury and Finance and Mr John Merritt, the Chief Executive of VicRoads.
Seven months into the new independent CSV arrangements, the Courts Council is actively analysing internal and external matters of relevance to the long term sustainability and growth of CSV. The culmination of these discussions will be the release of the first CSV three year strategic plan in mid-2015.
The contribution of participants at yesterday's forum will provide a critical foundation for developing the organisation's priorities and actions for the coming three years.
The strategic plan will be available on this website when released.
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This page was last updated: Wednesday 11 February 2015 - 11:43am