Shepparton Law Courts Designs Released

Design drawings of the new Shepparton Law Courts development were released on Friday 11 September 2015 by Court Services Victoria.
The new Shepparton Law Courts will provide a contemporary expression for the open and transparent delivery of justice to Shepparton and the wider regional community. The new Shepparton Law Courts seeks to provide, an affirmation of the importance of civic building in the life of the community both at an architectural and urban level.
The Shepparton Law Courts will occupy a new five-story building, providing 7,900m2 of space for courts, hearing rooms, jury areas, as well as providing for a range of clinical, legal and voluntary service providers who will use the facility.
The building will have a welcoming entry lobby inspired by the image of the ancient River Red Gum. The base of the new building will be founded on brick - a memory of older country court houses. With its prominent corner position, the new five-story building will engage with the older 1930s Court House in High Street by way of a generous landscaped public plaza that will serve the courts' staff and visitors alike for years to come.
Mr Brian Stevenson, Director of Asset Management and Planning for Court Services Victoria, said "The design team has drawn upon ideas found in the rich history of the Shepparton region, from the memories of the original woodland landscape, with its ancient River Red Gums, to the immediate heritage country courthouse which will remain in the centre of Shepparton's Justice Precinct."
Early preparation works are scheduled to commence on site in October. This will include a range of enabling works such as some demolition, service relocations and associated preparatory works that will allow the existing court to continue to operate. Construction on the new building is due to commence in early-2016.
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This page was last updated: Wednesday 14 October 2015 - 10:55am