Sexual harassment audit release – CSV statement

In 2021, Court Services Victoria, the Heads of Jurisdiction, the Judicial College and Judicial Commission committed to the implementation of 16 recommendations of the Szoke Review into Sexual Harassment in the Victorian Courts and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). The Review made 20 recommendations for reform to Court related entities and Government to prevent sexual harassment, improve reporting and support for those who experience it, and increase awareness and accountability.
Recommendation 20 required an independent audit of the implementation of the Review recommendations and their effectiveness.
CSV has now published phase one of the audit by Ashurst Risk Advisory; an independent report which considers whether recommendations have been acquitted as intended.
The audit found that implementation of 16 of the 20 recommendations were met and the remaining four were partially met. Overall, the audit report findings are positive and illustrate the "clear commitment from Courts and VCAT leadership to improving the workplace culture at CSV through the adoption of strategies to prevent sexual harassment".
CSV recognises that cultural change takes time and while the results in the phase one audit report are positive, the work to eliminate sexual harassment continues.
The audit identified a number of improvement opportunities. All five opportunities for CSV and Heads of Jurisdiction have been adopted, underscoring CSV's continuing commitment to preventing sexual harassment and providing a safe and respectful workplace. These include the creation of a sexual harassment prevention plan, implementing Safe Work Australia's guidance for sexual harassment risk assessment, and continuing to encourage all judicial officers and VCAT members to attend sexual harassment education programs. As at 30 March 2024 more than 87% of judicial officers and VCAT members had completed programs.
CSV welcomes the findings and improvement opportunities identified and remains committed to the ongoing cultural change that has positive and practical impact on the daily experiences of our people.
CSV continues to monitor its progress and phase two of the audit will assess the effectiveness of the interventions put in place.
This page was last updated: Thursday 29 August 2024 - 7:52am