Search Begins for Builder for Shepparton Law Courts

Court Services Victoria has begun the search for a Head Builder for the new Shepparton Law Courts development. CSV is seeking Expression of Interest submissions from suitably qualified builders, by 21 July 2015.
Mr Brian Stevenson, Director of Asset Management and Planning for Court Services Victoria, said "CSV is looking for builders who have a proven capability to deliver a project of this size and nature, and who have an established regional presence."
"Ideally, we're looking for a Head Builder who knows the Shepparton region, and has a local workforce that they could draw on for the building works. The project has just moved into the Design Development Phase, and we are on track to commence construction early next year once the right builder is on-board," Mr Stevenson said.
The Shepparton Law Courts will occupy a new five-story building and incorporate six court rooms of which two will accommodate juries and four will also be able to be used as hearing rooms. In addition, innovative new facilities will be provided for a range of clinical, legal and voluntary service providers within the Shepparton region.
The development will provide 7,900m2 of space over five stories, on a 2,700m2 site (54m x 50m) and is located at the intersection of the Goulburn Valley Highway and Midland Highway in Shepparton.
Further information about the Expressions of Interest process can be found on the Victorian Government Tenders website - [external link].
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This page was last updated: Thursday 8 October 2015 - 4:36pm