National Reconciliation Week 2017

Court Services Victoria takes great pride in being part of Australia's celebration of National Reconciliation Week 2017.
National Reconciliation Week runs annually from 27 May to 3 June. These dates mark two milestones in Australia's reconciliation journey: The 1967 referendum and the historic Mabo decision.
This year these anniversaries reflect a greater significance in Australia's reconciliation journey, as 2017 marks 50 years since the 1967 referendum, and 25 years since the Mabo decision.
In keeping with the theme of National Reconciliation Week 2017, 'Let's Take the Next Steps', Court Services Victoria is taking numerous steps to improve culturally appropriate court services.
We continue to work in the delivery of the Koori Court program in the County, Magistrates' and Children's Courts. The growth of the Koori Court now sees over 100 Elders and Respected persons working together with our magistrates and judges to provide cultural counsel and support to the accused coming before the Koori Court.
Another highlight of the many Koori programs and initiatives that have emerged in recent years is the Marram-Ngala Ganbu program (Koori family hearing day) of the Children's Court. This initiative is aimed at improving outcomes for Koori children involved in Child Protection proceedings, along with improving the participation of Koori families and communities in such proceedings.
Court Services Victoria's Koori Inclusion Action Plan demonstrates our commitment to encouraging and supporting Victorian jurisdictions to create Koori inclusive court environments for staff, Koori agencies and the Koori community in Victoria.
In 2016 the CSV Courts Council endorsed the Koori Employment Plan which has been instrumental in supporting the growing Koori workforce at CSV, along with providing access to Cultural Awareness for all staff.
Court Services Victoria continues to work with the Aboriginal community in the implementation of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement. Self-determination was a foundation principle for the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA), established in 2000 in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and CSV is excited to be part of the fourth phase of the Victorian AJA (AJA4), to be launched in 2018, and future AJAs.
Court Services Victoria acknowledge the importance of National Reconciliation Week 2017, and we pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of the land on which we operate and deliver justice.
This page was last updated: Friday 26 May 2017 - 12:49pm