CSV Welcomes State Budget Announcements

2 May 2017
Court Services Victoria has welcomed the significant financial investment in Victoria's courts announced in today's State Budget.
Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC, Chair of the Courts Council said this year's major investment will allow for expanded specialist court services, enhanced information technology systems, and the first steps towards implementing the CSV Strategic Asset Plan.
"Family violence has been a priority area of reform for Victorian courts since 2014, led by the Magistrates' Court and the Children's Court. The Courts Council established a Judicial Advisory Group on Family Violence in 2016 to provide visible strategic judicial leadership in relation to the Victorian courts and tribunal response to the assessment and implementation of recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence," Chief Justice Warren said.
This first phase of funding announced today will provide for the expansion of the Specialist Family Violence Court model, implementation of a range of recommendations of the Royal Commission relating to improving judicial responses to family violence matters, and provision for safety and security upgrades to several courts.
Other specialist courts to be expanded as a result of the 2017-18 State Budget include the Magistrates' Court's Assessment and Referral Court List and the Court Integrated Service Program. The Children's Court has been funded to continue the Family Drug Treatment Court at Broadmeadows, and the Fast Track Remand Court which was trialled in 2016.
As outlined in the Strategic Asset Plan, CSV aims to provide accessible justice to all Victorians through a portfolio of buildings that are functional, safe, secure and sustainable to meet the service needs of court and tribunal users and the community, now and into the future. Funding has been provided in the 2017-18 State Budget for CSV to undertake planning for two priority developments outlined in the Strategic Asset Plan--Bendigo Law Courts and Werribee Law Courts.
The 2017-18 State Budget also made provision for the development of a modern Case Management System for the Magistrates' and Children's Courts, and provides funding for the delivery of contemporary in-court technology for the Supreme Court of Victoria.
Further information about the Victorian Budget 17/18 is available on the Budget website.
This page was last updated: Tuesday 2 May 2017 - 1:57pm