CSV Annual Report 2021-22 Released

The 2021-22 Court Services Victoria Annual Report reflects the collective commitment and dedication of more than 2,800 employees across the Courts Group and its administrative and corporate centre.
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, our people were at the forefront of operationalising the values that underpin our workplace culture and influencing how we support the independent operations of the courts and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and serve the community.
Highlights of 2021-22 included Court Services Victoria:
- Embracing the opportunity to embed an innovative, respectful and inclusive culture in a hybrid operating environment, recognising and prioritising physical and psychological safety in our workplaces.
- Making a significant commitment to building cultural awareness, competency and capability, and to strengthening the respect and understanding of Koori cultural values, traditions and customs through the implementation of our Self-determination Plan.
- Continuing the ongoing work to prevent sexual harassment from occurring in our workplaces - to act if we see or hear inappropriate behaviour, and to ensuring that employees know they can report it without fear and that they will be supported.
- Conducting our first Workplace Gender Audit, including extensive consultation and feedback, contributing to the development of the inaugural Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025.
- Continuing to build courts of the future in Bendigo and Wyndham. Based on best-practice principles for inclusion and openness, the new courts will provide greater access to justice for those communities, and be fit-for-purpose as modern courts, while being able to respond to changing community and justice needs.
Tabled in Parliament on Tuesday 20 December 2022, the Court Services Victoria Annual Report 2021-22 is available to download from this website.
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This page was last updated: Tuesday 20 December 2022 - 6:13pm