CSV Annual Report 2016-17: Transformation through Innovation

1 November 2017
The CSV Annual Report 2016-17 was released today. In its third year of operations, CSV is shifting from establishing processes and building administrative capacity, to transforming and growing key capabilities through innovative projects and business practices.
CSV maintains core services to jurisdictions and the College, including IT services, HR, project management, corporate finance, asset and facilities management, major projects and compliance. These services are essential to the independence of CSV and create strong foundations for the judicial independence in the administration of justice in Victoria.
In 2016-17 CSV made significant investments in new areas of transformation detailed below.
Ensuring the Safety and Security of our Courts
In response to the increasing demands on our courts, and the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, CSV launched a landmark 15-year Strategic Asset Plan that provides a blueprint for the future development of courts and tribunals across the state. The plan addresses the complexity of issues facing each jurisdiction and will assist the transformation of Victoria's courts and tribunals into a modern, cohesive, flexible and fit-for-purpose service environment throughout Victoria.
Contemporary IT Capability
Significant strides have been made over the past year to modernise the IT infrastructure that supports in-court and tribunal technology and the independence of CSV from the Department of Justice and Regulation. Enhanced IT capability has delivered efficiency improvements through more integrated and digitised services, greater accessibility, support and safety for court and tribunal users.
Investing in our People
This year, CSV focused on supporting the jurisdictions to develop the right jobs and skills to support Victoria's courts. A Business Intelligence Workforce Dashboard and Performance and Learning Management System was launched to better monitor and understand the capacity, capability and performance of our workforce. These initiatives are part of the CSV Capability Framework to ensure CSV can meet current and future staffing needs.
The 2017-18 State Budget allocated over $300 million to the Victorian court system - the largest injection of funding for many years. CSV is already working towards implementing service reforms required to respond to the outcomes of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, the Access to Justice Review and sentencing reform.
Finally, this year was our last with Chief Justice Marilyn Warren as Chair of the Courts Council. The Chief Justice's championing of CSV, and her strong leadership during its first three years, has been invaluable, and her legacy will remain for many years to come.
The CSV Annual Report 2016-17 is available for download on this website.
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This page was last updated: Wednesday 1 November 2017 - 12:11pm