CSV Annual Report 2015-16 Released

8 November 2016
The Court Services Victoria 2015-16 Annual Report was released today.
Commencing operations as an independent statutory authority on 1 July 2014 was an historic milestone for courts in Victoria that has enabled structural independence and responsive judicial leadership.
In its second year of operation, CSV has continued to focus on its core business of providing administrative services to jurisdictions, while also planning for long term sustainability with a focus on business improvement and innovative practice.
The key highlights over the past year have included:
Modernising courts through the use of technology
During 2015-16 a number of digital technologies were enhanced to help modernise jurisdictions. This included the expansion of e-Lodgement and BPAY to further improve the interface that jurisdictions have with the public. These improvements digitised manual processes allowing payments and documents to be submitted anytime and anywhere without having to attend court.
Ensuring safety and security of our courts
The safety and security of our courts has continued to be a high priority in 2015-16, with a major audit of safety in the lower courts undertaken in parallel with hearings of the Royal Commission into Family Violence. CSV worked in partnership with the Attorney-General and the Victorian Government to introduce a number of enhancements to ensure that victims of family violence and their families can be safe and free from intimidation while attending court.
Supporting the needs of the judiciary and the community
To ensure that jurisdictions can keep up with growing demand for their services, CSV sponsors the planning and development of new courts. A vital addition was the new Children’s Court at Broadmeadows which opened in October 2015. Major construction work also commenced on the $73 million Shepparton Law Courts project. Due for completion in late 2017, the multijurisdictional court will feature the most contemporary applications of courthouse design to cater for current and future demand.
The development of the Strategic Asset Plan and Multi-Year Asset Investment Strategy will provide the evidence and catalyst for the ongoing investment required to meet current and future challenges and needs, also ensuring that our assets are safe, secure and fit for purpose.
The Court Services Victoria Annual Report 2015-16 is available for download from this website.
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This page was last updated: Tuesday 8 November 2016 - 3:48pm