View hearings
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View hearings-Lodge adjournment request
View hearings-Lodge adjournment request (DOCX 562.68 KB)
1. Click: File on One of My Cases
The Cases tab displays within the My Account screen. A list of cases that you have access to display at the bottom of the screen. If the relevant case is visible, skip to step 4.
2. If the case isn't visible, complete a case search, using one or more of the Search Case fields:
- Case Number: Type the case number registered in the CMS.
- Case Name: Type a party name associated with the case.
- First Name: Type a party first name associated with the case.
- Last Name: Type a party surname associated with the case.
- Organisation Name: Type an organisation name associated with the case.
- Case Type: Select the case jurisdiction type.
- Court: Select a court location the case was registered with.
- Status: Select the current case status from the options provided.
- Filing Date: Select filing date period using the calendar icons.
3. Click: Submit
Search results display at the bottom of the page.
4. Click on the Case Number for the relevant case.
The case summary displays.
5. Click: Hearings
The Hearings tab displays with pending and finalised hearings.
This page was last updated: Monday 26 September 2022 - 10:25am