About CMS Portal

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If you are experiencing this issue, please report it to cms.support@courts.vic.gov.au.
The Magistrates' Court of Victoria and the Children's Court of Victoria are implementing an online case management system as part of the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations - CMS Portal.
How you interact with the court will change. You will use the CMS Portal to file documents electronically, access case information, manage cases and obtain court orders.
CMS Portal will be the single point of entry for all cases for both Courts. It will allow external parties to interact with the Courts digitally, leading to improved information flow and safety outcomes for the community.
Access to Portal
CMS Portal is currently only available for legal practitioners or law firms or other authorised persons such as DFFH CP Workers to file in the civil or child protection jurisdictions of the Magistrates' Court of Victoria and Children's Court of Victoria respectively
All other external party groups, including self-represented parties of the Magistrates' Court and Children's Court are out of scope for CMS Portal at this time, and there will be no change to how they file and interact with the court.
To enable authorised users to enrol in the portal please follow the link to the CMS Portal enrolment guide.
Portal Outages
For scheduled maintenance Portal Outages, notice will be posted on the CMS Help Centre as well as on the CMS Portal in advance of the outage window.
In the event of an unscheduled Portal Outage during business hours, users will need to be aware of procedures to continue making filings (Dependant on the type and length of the outage):
- Email will be the default for filing if the Portal is down.
- However, if the network is down, contact the proper venue for advice on the method of submission that will be accepted by the venue.
- Submissions over the counter will continue to be accepted, no matter what the outage is.
In the event of an unscheduled Portal Outage after hours,(that is outside business hours 8.30am - 4.30pm) users need to be aware of procedures to continue making filings:
- Proceed with email or if email is also down contact the proper venue during business hours for advice on the method of submission.
This page was last updated: Friday 20 December 2024 - 11:36am