File new case - Civil complaints initiation process

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  • At any stage before a complaint is submitted you can click: Save for Later to save a draft. It can then be retrieved from the Drafts tab within the My Account screen.  
  • Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. 


1. Click Magistrates' Court of Victoria 

The MCV Select a Case Type screen displays. 


2. Click CIVIL 

The Civil screen displays. 



The Civil Complaints screen displays. 


4. My Reference field: A system generated reference will display. This can be replaced by any reference useful for plaintiff or legal representation to locate and identify the filing. 


5. Complete the Case Details fields: 

  • Case Type: Select the case type. 
  • Initiation type: Select the initiation type. 
  • Nature of Claim: Select the nature of claim. 
  • Court Location: Select the court location.  


6. Click: Next Step 

The Plaintiff Details (1) screen displays. 


7. Complete the Plaintiff Details fields: 

  • Party Designation Type: Select the type of plaintiff making the claim.  
  • Party Type: Displays Plaintiff 
  • Surname / Single Name: Type the surname of the plaintiff. 
  • First Name: Type the first name of the plaintiff. 
  • Middle Name(s): Type any middle names of the plaintiff. 
  • Name Suffix: Select if required; can be left blank. 
  • Trading As: If relevant, type the trading name of the plaintiff. 

Note: The fields that display will change depending on the type selected. 


8. Complete the Plaintiff Address fields: 

  • Address Type: Select the address type for the plaintiff. 
  • Physical Address: Start typing the address into the search box and select the correct option from the results. This is an autofill field.  

Note: If the address does not show with this function, you can type it in manually. 


9. ADDITIONAL PANELS - Complete the fields: 

  • Plaintiff Contact Details: Type contact details for the applicant into the relevant fields. You do not need to complete all fields. 
  • Plaintiff Identification Details: If applicable, type the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the plaintiff. 
  • Plaintiff Financial Details: If applicable, type the financial details for the plaintiff. 
  • Are you acting in a Representation Capacity? Displays No. Change if required. 
  • Do you have a Litigation Guardian? Displays No. Change if required. 


10. Click: Next Step 

The Legal Representation Details screen displays. 


11. Complete the Legal Representation Details fields: 

  • Business Name or Solicitor Code: Start typing the legal firm name or code and select the relevant option. This is an autofill field.  
  • Reference Number: Optional field to add a reference number associated to the legal representation. 


12. Click: Next Step 

The Defendant Details (1) screen displays. 

Note: You can return to previous sections before completing the civil complaint by clicking the green button for the desired section, or the Previous Step button. 


13. Complete the Defendant Name fields: 

  • Party Designation Type: Select party type. 
  • Party Type: Displays Defendant. This cannot be changed.  
  • Surname / Single Name: Type the surname of the defendant. 
  • First Name: Type the first name of the defendant. 
  • Middle Name: Type any middle names of the defendant. 
  • Name Suffix: Select if required; can be left blank. 
  • Trading As: If relevant, type the trading name of the defendant. 


14. Complete the Defendant Address fields: 

  • Address Type: Select the address type for the defendant.  
  • Physical Address: Start typing the address into the search box and select the correct option from the results. This is an autofill field. 


15. Complete the Defendant Identification Details fields: 

  • Australian Business Number (ABN): If applicable, type the ABN of the defendant.  
  • Australian Company Number (CAN): If applicable, type the ACN of the defendant. This field will only show if organisation is selected in Party Type.  


16. Click: Next Step 

The Claim Details screen displays. 


17. Complete the Claim Details fields: 

  • Is this a monetary claim? Select Yes or No
  • Claim Amount: Type the claim amount. 
  • Costs: Type the costs amount (if no costs are claimed, type 0). 
  • Was the place of claim outside the state of Victoria? Displays No. Change if required.  
  • Suburb/Town: Start typing the address into the search box and select the correct option from the results. This is an autofill field. 
  • Postcode: Automatically displays if suburb has been selected. You can leave the Suburb/Town field blank and type the Postcode instead, then select the relevant suburb from the results provided.  
  • Claim details: Type the details for the Statement of Claim.  


18. Click: Next Step 

The Document Details panel displays.  


19. Complete the Document Details fields: 

  • Document Details: Filing document displays. Optional additional documents are listed. 
  • Code/Name: Start typing the name of an additional document to upload and select the document type from the results. This is an autofill field.  If unsure of the document Code/Name, click the magnifying glass icon to open the search functionality. 

Note: This field can be used to upload optional documents at time of filing, such as the Overarching obligations certifications (Form 4a). If not selected at this time, documents can be uploaded to the CMS Portal or filed with the registry at a later date. 


20. Click: Choose File and upload the relevant document to the case. 


21. Electronic Signature Consent: Select this item.  

By selecting this box, I consent to my electronic signature being affixed to this document in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (Vic). 


22. Click: Next Step 

The Fee Waiver screen displays. 


23. Are you applying to waive the fee? Displays No. Change if required.       

If you have selected Yes, information related to the fee waiver displays, including an upload field for the fee waiver application. Complete this, then the Confirmation of Filing will display.  


24. Click: Proceed 

The Cart tab displays within the My Account screen displays. 


25. Select the item requiring payment. 


26. Click: Submit Payment 

The Process Payment screen displays. 


27. In the Payment Options panel, select a payment method.  

Note: Payment options can be added and removed from the My Account screen.  


28. Click: Continue  


29. If ePayment by Credit/Card is selected, a pop-up box displays. Type your payment details and click: Make Payment.  

If you are paying with a stored card, skip this step.  


30. The Confirmation of Filing displays and you will receive email confirmation of the filing.   

This page was last updated: Monday 26 September 2022 - 10:30am