Navigate My Account screen

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Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. 


My Account

It defaults to the Filings tab when you click My Account



A list of recent filings display. Click: View in the Action column for the relevant case to access the case summary. If you need to download documents relating to a filing, click on the icon for the relevant document in the Download column.  



Within this field you can add or change your email address and password.  

Note: If you do not have permission to edit your profile this tab will not display and you'll need to contact your Organisation Administrator for assistance. 



This page displays any saved filings that haven't been submitted. 



One or more fields can be used to search cases. The search results will appear at the bottom of the page, with links in the ACTION column to File a Subcase, File a document or File amended document.  



You can view, delete and make payments for undelivered documents.  

Note: If your organisation is exempt from making payment, this tab will not display. 



You can view payment information - Payment date, Amount, Filings and Card number (only the last four digits). 

Note: If your organisation is exempt from making payment, you will not see this tab. 


Payment Profile:  

You can view saved payment details and add credit card payment method details by clicking the + Add New button

Note: If your organisation is exempt from making payment, this tab will not display. 

This page was last updated: Monday 26 September 2022 - 10:24am