File subcase on existing case

Download the Quick Reference Guide here - 


  • References to 'submission' on the CMS Portal, and in related documentation, refers to the process of electronically filing a document through the portal and should not be confused with other definitions related to 'submission' in a legal context. 
  • If you are unable to view a specific case, you will need to request access.
  • Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. 



The Cases tab displays within the My Account screen. A list of cases that you have access to display at the bottom of the screen. If the relevant case is visible, skip to step 4. 


2. If the case isn't visible, complete a case search, using one or more of the Search Case fields: 

  • Case Number: Type the full or partial case number registered in the CMS. 
  • Case Name: Type a full or partial party name associated with the case. 
  • First Name: Type a party first name associated with the case. 
  • Last Name: Type a party surname associated with the case. 
  • Organisation Name: Type an organisation name associated with the case. 
  • Case Type: Select the case type. 
  • Court: Select a court location the case was registered with. 
  • Status: Select the current case status from the options provided. 
  • Filing Date: Select a specific date or range of dates using the calendar icons. 
  • Hearing Date: Select a specific date or range of dates using the calendar icons.


3. Click: Submit 

Search results display at the bottom of the page. 


4. Click: File a Subcase link under the ACTION column for the relevant case. 

The ADD SUBCASE screen displays.  


5. My Reference field: A system generated reference will display. This can be replaced by any reference useful to locate and identify the filing. 


6. Complete the Subcase Details fields: 

  • Subcase Type: Start type the document Code/Name and select relevant document from the list. This is an autofill field. If unsure of the document Code/Name, click the magnifying glass icon to open the search functionality.

To view the full list of lodgements and subcase types, go to the Forms and Fees section, Forms > Filing Forms.  

  • Nature of Claim: The nature of claim displays. This cannot be changed.  

Note: Panels and fields will vary depending on subcase type selected. 


7. Complete the Subcase Initiating Document fields: 

  • Code / Name: The relevant form will display.  

Click: Choose File and upload the relevant document to the case. 


8. Complete the ADDITIONAL PANELS fields: 

  • Filed by: Select the party filing the application. 
  • Representation: If the organisation has previously filed on this case, you can select it from the list of representatives. 

To add representation, click: Add Representation (1). Start typing the name of the organisation and select the correct option from the results. This is an autofill field.  

  • Filed Against: Select the party the application is being filed against.  

To add a new party, click: Add Filed Against. Start typing the details of the third party and select the correct option from the results. This is an autofill field.  

  • Required Documents (1): If a document is required,it will be listed. Click Choose File and attach the relevant PDF document. 
  • Additional Documents: If you need to provide an additional document, start typing the Code/Name and select the relevant document. Click Choose File and attach the relevant PDF. 


9. Are you applying to waive the fee? Displays No. Change if required.  


10. Click: Proceed 

The Cart tab displays within the My Account screen. 


11. Select the item requiring payment. 


12. Click: Submit Payment 

The Process Payment screen displays. 


13. In the Payment Options panel, select a payment method. 

Note: Payment options can be added and removed from the My Account screen.  


14. Click: Continue 


15. If ePayment by Credit/Card is selected, a pop-up box displays. Type your payment details.  


16. Click: Make Payment 

The Confirmation of Filing displays and you will receive email confirmation of the filing. 

Note: The filing status will show as Pending Review. Once actioned by registry staff, you will receive email confirmation of the outcome.  


17. OPTIONAL step:  

Click View to see the status of the subcase. 


This page was last updated: Friday 2 June 2023 - 3:57pm