View and action case

This Quick Reference Guide shows how to view and action a case.


1. Log in to Portal. Home screen displays.

2. Click: My Account. My Account screen displays.

3. Click Cases tab. Search Case screen displays.



  • List of cases that have permitted access displays at bottom of screen. If relevant case is visible in list, click Case Number to access or a link in Actions column to file on case
  • This page enables to search by numerous filters
  • If viewing is denied, requesting access to case is required


See Quick Reference Guide:  Request access to a case


4. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Case Details

  • Case Number: Type full or partial Case Number.
  • Case Name: Type full or partial Case Name.
  • First Name: Type First Name of a party in case.
  • Last Name: Type Last Name of a party in case.
  • Organisation Name: Type Organisation Name.
  • Case Type: Select relevant option.
  • Court: Select relevant option.
  • Status: Select relevant option.
  • Filing Date: Select date (or range of dates) of filing.
  • Hearing Date: Select date (or range of dates) of hearing.


5. Click:  Submit. Results panel displays cases matching search criteria:



  • If relevant case does not display in list of results, adjust search criteria and click:  Submit
  • To reset all fields, click:  Clear


6. What action is required?

  • If Access case details: Click Case Number link.
  • If File on case: In Action column, click link for relevant filing type.


See Quick Reference Guide: File document on existing case

This page was last updated: Tuesday 13 February 2024 - 12:07pm