File subcase on existing case

Part of

This Quick Reference Guide shows how to file a subcase on an existing case.


1. Log in to Portal. Home screen displays.

2. Click:  File on One of My Cases. Search Case screen displays.



  • List of cases that have permitted access displays at bottom of screen. If relevant case is visible in this list, click Case Number to access or link in Actions column to file on case
  • This page enables to search by numerous filters
  • If viewing is denied, requesting access to case is required


See Quick Reference Guide:  Request access to a case


3. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Search Case

  • Case Number: Type full or partial Case Number.
  • Case Name: Type full or partial Case Name.
  • First Name: Type First Name of a party in case.
  • Last Name: Type Last Name of a party in case.
  • Organisation Name: Type Organisation Name.
  • Case Type: Select relevant option.
  • Court: Select relevant option.
  • Status: Select relevant option.
  • Filing Date: Select date (or range of dates) of filing.
  • Hearing Date: Select date (or range of dates) of hearing.


4. Click:  Submit. Results panel displays cases matching search criteria.



  • If relevant case does not display in list of results, adjust search criteria and click: Submit
  • To reset all fields, click:  Clear


5. In Action column for relevant case, click File a Subcase link. Add Subcase screen displays.


Note: Panels and fields vary depending on subcase type selected.


6. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  My Reference: Type reference name or number to identify filing.

Panel:  Subcase Details

  • Subcase Type: Type subcase Code/Name and select option from list. If unsure of subcase Code/Name click magnifying glass icon to open search functionality.
  • Nature of Claim: -


Note: Common fields are listed in table below. These may not appear in all subcase types.


Panel:  Subcase Initiating Document

  • Code/Name: -
  • Upload Document: Click:  Choose File and add required PDF document to case. All document uploads must be PDF


Additional Panels

  • Filed By: Select party.
  • Representation: Select filing party's legal representation if applicable. To add representation, click:  Add Representation
  • Filed Against: Select party
  • Required Documents (1):
    • Document will be listed if required.
    • Click:  Choose File and add required PDF document to case.
    • All document uploads must be PDF.
  • Additional Documents (1): Select additional filed documents as required.
  • Fee Waiver Panel: Change to Yes if applying for a fee waiver.


7. Click:  Proceed. My Account screen displays.

8. Select item requiring payment.  Click:  Submit Payment. Process Payment screen displays.

9. In Payment Options panel, select payment method, click:  Continue. Confirmation of Filing screen displays.



  • Acknowledgment for filing email is sent to Portal user when document is filed
  • An additional email is sent once document is reviewed by registry staff


10. Click:  My Account. My Account screen displays indicating pending review, accepted or rejected:

11. To see record of filing, in the Action column, click:  View. Case Summary screen displays.

This page was last updated: Monday 12 February 2024 - 1:11pm