Register Interstate order

Part of

This Quick Reference Guide shows how to register an interstate order.


1. Log in to Portal. Home screen displays.

2. Click:  Magistrates' Court Victoria. Case Type screen displays.

3. Click:  Civil. Civil screen displays.

4. Click:  Register an order for enforcement. Register/Enforcement Order screen displays.

5. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  My Reference

Type reference name or number to identify filing. .


Panel:  Case Details

  • Initiation Type: -
  • Original Case Number: Type original case number.
  • Court Location: Select court location.
  • Filing Document: Click:  Choose File and add required PDF document to case. All document uploads must be PDF.



  • Click:  Save for Later at any stage prior to application being filed
  • Application can be retrieved from Drafts tab located in My Account screen


6. Click:  Next Step. Document Details screen displays.


Note: Click green panels to navigate back and forth through initiation steps.


7. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Optional Additional Documents

  • Code/Name: Type name of document and select.
  • Upload Document: Click:  Choose File and add required PDF document to case. All document uploads must be PDF.


8. Click:  Next Step

9. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Applicant Name

  • Party Designation Type: Select applicant type.
    • When designated party is business, select Organisation as designation type. 
    • Do not select Agency or Company
  • Party Type: -
  • Other fields: Complete all required fields.


Panel:  Applicant Address

  • Address Type: Select address type.
  • Physical Address: Start typing address in search box and select correct option from auto-results. To add another address, click:  Applicant Address


Panel:  Applicant Contact Details

  • All fields: Type relevant contact information.
  • Email Address: Type email address. If Applicant does not have legal representation, email address is mandatory.


Panel:  Applicant Identification

  • Australian Business Number (ABN): Type Applicant's ABN if relevant.
  • Australian Company Number (ACN): Type Applicant's ACN if relevant.


Panel:  Applicant Financial Details

  • Financial Details: Type financial information if relevant.

Panel:  Applicant Representation Capacity or Litigation Guardian

  • Are you acting in a Representative Capacity? Select Yes or No.
  • Do you have a Litigation Guardian? Select Yes or No.


10. Is there only one Applicant?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No: Click:  + Applicant Details. Go to step 9


11. Click:  Next Step

12. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Legal Representation Details

  • Business Name: Start typing legal firm name into search box and select correct option from results.
  • Reference Number: Type reference name or number to identify filing.


13. Click:  Next Step

14. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Respondent Name

  • Party Designation Type: Select Respondent type.
    • When designated party is business, select Organisation as designation type. 
    • Do not use Agency or Company.
  • Party Type: -
  • Other fields: Complete all required fields.


Panel:  Respondent Address

  • Address Type: Select address type.
  • Physical Address: Type address in search field and select correct option from auto-results. To add another address, click:  + Respondent Address

Panel:  Respondent Contact

  • All fields: Type relevant contact information.


Panel:  Respondent Identification

  • Australian Business Number (ABN): Type Respondent's ABN if relevant.
  • Australian Company Number (ACN): Type Respondent's ACN if relevant.


Panel:  Respondent Financial Details

Type financial information if relevant.


15. Is there only one Respondent?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No: Click + Respondent Details. Go to step 14


16. Click:  Next Step

17. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Order details

  • Date of Order: Click Calendar icon to record date Order was made.
  • Court/Tribunal Details or Authority Details: Start typing interstate destination into search box and select correct court/tribunal details from results.
  • Order Amount: Type order amount.
  • Costs: Type cost amount. If no costs claimed, enter $0.00 in Costs field.
  • Interest: Type interest amount. If no interest claimed, enter $0.00 in Interest field.
  • Total: -
  • Other Costs (cost of registration): Type other cost amount. If no other costs claimed, enter $0.00 in Other Costs field.


18. Click:  Next Step

19. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  Fee Waiver

Change to Yes if applying for fee waiver.


20. Click:  Proceed. My Account screen displays.

21. To submit payment, tick box next to Item No. and click:  $ Submit Payment. Process Payment screen displays.

22. In Payment Options panel, select payment method and click:  Continue. Confirmation of Filing screen displays.



  • Acknowledgment for filing email sent to Portal user when document is filed
  • An additional email is sent once document is reviewed by registry staff


23. Click:  My Account. My Account screen displays indicating pending review, accepted, or rejected:

24. To see record of filing, in the Action column, click:  View. Case Summary screen displays.



  • Once filing is accepted, access copy of order from Documents tab in Case Summary screen
  • Notice of registration to Interstate/NZ court is available to download in Generated Documents field


See Quick Reference Guide:  Download document

This page was last updated: Friday 9 February 2024 - 4:18pm