File amended document

Part of

This Quick Reference Guide shows how to file an amended document.



  • ALL amended documents are subject to court review. Filer will receive an email notification advising whether filing has been accepted or rejected.
  • If fee reimbursement is required for an amended document, request needs to be filed in person at relevant Registry.


1. Log in to Portal. Home screen displays.

2. Click:  File on One of My Cases. Search Case screen displays.



  • List of cases that have permitted access displays at bottom of screen. If relevant case is visible in list, click Case Number to access or a link in Actions column to file on the case
  • This page enables to search by numerous filters
  • If viewing is denied, requesting access to case is required


See User Guide:  Request access to a case


3. In Action column for relevant case, click File amended document link. Case Summary screen displays.

4. Click:  File Amended Document. File Amended Document screen displays.


Note: Panels and fields will vary depending on Document type selected.


5. Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  My Reference

Type reference name or number to identify filing.


Panel:  Add Amended Document Portal

  • Code/Name: Type Code/Name and select document from list. If unsure of Code/Name click magnifying glass icon to open search functionality.
  • Upload Document: Click:  Choose File and add required PDF document to case. All document uploads must be PDF


Panel:  Filed By

  • Filed by: Select party.
  • Representation: Select filing party's legal representation if applicable. To add representation, click:  Add Representation
  • Related Documents: Select related documents.
  • Related Hearings: Select related hearings date.


6. Click:  Proceed. Confirmation of Filing screen displays.



  • Acknowledgment for filing email is sent to Portal user when document is filed
  • An additional email is sent once filing is reviewed by registry staff


7. Click:  My Account. My Account screen displays indicating pending review, accepted or rejected.

8. To see record of filing, in the Action column, click:  View. Case Summary screen displays.

This page was last updated: Monday 12 February 2024 - 1:08pm