Manage user (MCV)

Part of

This Quick Reference Guide shows how to manage a user.


Add user

1. From CMS Portal Home page, click:  Organisation Administration. Organisation Administration screen displays.
2. Click:  Manage Users. People screen displays.

3. Click:  Add User. Further fields displays:

4.    Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  People

  • E-mail: Type user email address.
  • Confirm e-mail address: Type user email address again.
  • Status
    • Select:  Blocked
    • Note: Account must be changed to Blocked to prompt user to acknowledge CMS terms and conditions


  • Type of User:   
    • Select user type.
    • Note: Select Admin role only if another organisation administrator required.


  • Organisation: -
  • First Name: Type user first name.
  • Surname: Type user surname.
  • Unique ID Number
    • Type value as unique user identifier.
    • Note: Number must be provided to user for account activation.


  • Secondary Email Address for All Notifications: Type additional email address to receive copies of notifications, if required.
  • Secondary Email Address for Rejections: Type additional email address to receive copies of rejections, if required.
  • Mobile Number for SMS Notifications: Type mobile number to receive SMS notifications, if required.
  • Phone Number: Type user's preferred contact number, if relevant.
  • Fax: Type user's fax number, if required.
  • Division: Type user's division within organisation, if required.
  • Employee Identifier: Type Employer Identifier used internally, if required.

5.    Click:  Captcha box
6.    Click:  Create new account. Confirmation message displays:



  • User is sent email notification to activate account
  • Provide Unique ID Number to user to enter as part of activation process



Modify user

Note: This section of Quick Reference Guide shows how to:

  • Modify user account 
  • Modify user account with LLFUser access

1. From CMS Portal Home page, click:  Organisation Administration. Organisation Administration screen displays:

2. Click:  Manage Users. People screen displays:
3. Is search with user profile details required?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No: Go to step 8


4. Click User Search By Profile tab. Search screen displays:

5. Complete required fields: 


Panel:  User Search By Profile

  • Profile Field: Select relevant option.
  • Profile Value: Type value.


6. Click:  Search. User results display
7. Has profile been located?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No: Refine criteria and repeat search.


Note: Select Advanced tab to perform more complex searches.


8. Click relevant account check box.

9. In Operations column, click:  edit. User My Account screen displays:
Note: To see additional fields, click:  Personal Information

10. Does email address update required?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No: Go to step 12

11.    Complete required panels and fields.


Panel:  User Profile

  • E-mail address: Type user email address.
  • Confirm e-mail address: Type user email address again.


12. Is password update required?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No: Go to step 14


13.    Complete required panels and fields. 


Panel:  User Profile

  • Password: Type password. 
  • Confirm password: Type password again. 


14. Is user account block required?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No : Go to step 16


15. In Status field, select:  Blocked
16. Is Role, Password settings or Organisation update required?

  • Yes: Go to next step
  • No: Go to step 18


17. Complete required panels and fields. 


Panel:  User Profile

  • Roles: Change if required.
  • Force password change on next login: De-select if password change not required.
  • Organisation Name: Change if required.


18. Click:  Save. Confirmation message displays.


Block user

Note: This section of Quick Reference Guide shows how to Block user accounts from accessing Portal with your organisation login.
1. From CMS Portal Home page, click:  Organisation Administration. Organisation Administration screen displays:
2. Click:  Manage Users. People screen displays.
3. From list of users on People screen, select user(s) to block.
4. From Update options menu, select:  Block the selected users 
5. Click:  Update




This page was last updated: Tuesday 13 February 2024 - 12:54pm